Source code for bdws

from osgeo import gdal, ogr
import numpy as np
import os
import math

[docs]class BDLoG:
[docs] def __init__(self, brat, dem , fac, outDir, bratCap, stat = None): """ Initialization of the Beaver Dam Location Generator class. :param brat: Path to BRAT shapefile. :param dem: Path to DEM for area of interest. :param fac: Binary raster representing the stream network with a value of 1 (generally a thresholded flow accumulation). :param outDir: Path to directory where output files will be generated. :param bratCap: Proportion (0 - 1) of capacity for which to generate beaver dams. :param stat: (Optional) Estimated pond volumes and prediction intervals as a function of reach slope and dam height (not yet implemented). """ self.bratPath = brat self.demPath = dem self.facPath = fac self.outDir = outDir if not os.path.isdir(self.outDir): os.makedirs(self.outDir) self.bratCap = bratCap self.statPath = stat
[docs] def setVariables(self): """ Sets class variables for location generation. :return: None """ self.driverShp = ogr.GetDriverByName("Esri Shapefile") self.bratDS = ogr.Open(self.bratPath, 1) self.bratLyr = self.bratDS.GetLayer() self.nFeat = self.bratLyr.GetFeatureCount() self.demDS = gdal.Open(self.demPath) self.dem = self.demDS.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() self.facDS = gdal.Open(self.facPath) self.fac = self.facDS.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() self.idOut = np.full(self.dem.shape, -9999.0, dtype=np.float32) self.geot = self.demDS.GetGeoTransform() self.prj = self.demDS.GetProjection() self.outDS = self.driverShp.CreateDataSource(self.outDir + "/ModeledDamPoints.shp") self.outLyr = self.outDS.CreateLayer("ModeledDamPoints", self.bratLyr.GetSpatialRef(), geom_type=ogr.wkbPoint) self.capRank = np.empty([self.nFeat,3]) self.driverTiff = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
[docs] def createFields(self): """ Creates fields to be populated for the output dam location shapefile :return: None """ field = ogr.FieldDefn("brat_ID", ogr.OFTInteger) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("endx") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("endy") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("az_us") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("g_elev") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("slope") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("ht_max") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("damType") field.SetType(ogr.OFTString) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("ht_lo") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("ht_mid") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("ht_hi") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("ht_lo_mod") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("ht_mid_mod") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("ht_hi_mod") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("area_lo") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("area_mid") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("area_hi") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("vol_lo") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("vol_mid") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("vol_hi") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("vol_lo_lp") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("vol_mid_lp") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("vol_hi_lp") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("vol_lo_mp") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("vol_mid_mp") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("vol_hi_mp") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("vol_lo_up") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("vol_mid_up") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("vol_hi_up") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("diff_lo") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("diff_mid") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("diff_hi") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field) field.SetName("type") field.SetType(ogr.OFTReal) self.outLyr.CreateField(field)
[docs] def setBratFields(self): """ Set values for fields derived from the input BRAT shapefile. :return: None """ if self.bratLyr.FindFieldIndex("totdams", 1) >= 0: self.bratLyr.DeleteField(self.bratLyr.FindFieldIndex("totdams", 1)) if self.bratLyr.FindFieldIndex("totcomp", 1) >= 0: self.bratLyr.DeleteField(self.bratLyr.FindFieldIndex("totcomp", 1)) field = ogr.FieldDefn("totdams", ogr.OFTInteger) self.bratLyr.CreateField(field) field = ogr.FieldDefn("totcomp", ogr.OFTInteger) self.bratLyr.CreateField(field)
[docs] def sortByCapacity(self): """ Sort BRAT reaches by estimated dam capacity. :return: None """ for i in range(0, self.nFeat): feature = self.bratLyr.GetFeature(i) cap = feature.GetFieldAsDouble("oCC_EX") geom = feature.GetGeometryRef() #self.capRank holds 3 variables: FID, BRAT capacity (dams/km), and number of dams to be modeled for scenario(capacity scenario * BRAT capacity) self.capRank[i,0] = feature.GetFID() self.capRank[i,1] = cap self.capRank[i,2] = math.ceil(geom.Length() * (cap/1000.0)) self.capRank = self.capRank[self.capRank[:,1].argsort()[::-1]] self.modCap = math.ceil(self.bratCap * np.sum(self.capRank[:,2]))
[docs] def calculateDamsPerReach(self): """ Determine the number of beaver dams and beaver dam complexes to place on each BRAT reach. :return: None """ self.setBratFields() go = True totalDams = 0 while go: i = 0 while i < self.nFeat and go: bratFeat = self.bratLyr.GetFeature(self.capRank[i,0]) exDams = bratFeat.GetFieldAsInteger("totdams") exComp = bratFeat.GetFieldAsInteger("totcomp") #number of dams for BRAT segment randomly selected from empricial complex size distribution damCount = math.ceil(np.random.lognormal(1.5515, 0.724)) if damCount > 0: if damCount > self.capRank[i,2]: damCount = self.capRank[i,2] if (totalDams + damCount) > self.modCap: damCount = math.ceil(self.modCap - totalDams) bratFeat.SetField("totdams", exDams + damCount) if damCount > 0: bratFeat.SetField("totcomp", exComp + 1) self.bratLyr.SetFeature(bratFeat) totalDams += damCount i += 1 if totalDams >= math.ceil(self.modCap): go = False
[docs] def createDams(self): """ Place primary and secondary dams at a specific location on stream reaches. :return: None """ i = 0 while i < self.nFeat: bratFt = self.bratLyr.GetFeature(self.capRank[i, 0]) bratLine = bratFt.GetGeometryRef() length = bratLine.Length() #read number of dams and dam complexes from shapefile field nDamCt = bratFt.GetFieldAsInteger("totdams") nCompCt = bratFt.GetFieldAsInteger("totcomp") spacing = 0.0 if nDamCt > 0: spacing = length / (nDamCt * 1.0) #create a point for each dam to be modeled nDamRm = nDamCt nCompRm = nCompCt for j in range(0, nDamCt): #determine if dam is primary or secondary and create height distribution damFeat = ogr.Feature(self.outLyr.GetLayerDefn()) rnum = np.random.random() if rnum < ((nCompRm*1.0)/(nDamRm*1.0)) or nDamCt == 1: htDist = np.random.lognormal(0.22, 0.36, 30) damType = "primary" nCompRm -= 1 else: htDist = np.random.lognormal(-0.21, 0.39, 30) damType = "secondary" nDamRm -= 1 #location of dam on stream segment pointDist = length - (spacing * (j * 1.0)) damPoint = bratLine.Value(pointDist) #bratLine.Value will return None if called on multipart line. This will cause a crash later in the code if damPoint is not None: #set any field values here damFeat = self.setDamFieldValues(damFeat, damType) #set dam heights damFeat = self.setDamHeights(damFeat, np.percentile(htDist, 2.5), np.median(htDist), np.percentile(htDist, 97.5)) damFeat.SetGeometry(damPoint) self.outLyr.CreateFeature(damFeat) damFeat = None i += 1 bratFt = None
[docs] def getCellAddressOfPoint(self, x, y): """ Calculate the row and column of a coordinate pair (linear units) based on the input DEM. UTM projections suggested, will not work with degree units. :param x: X coordinate (meters). :param y: Y coordinate (meters). :return: Numpy array with row and column address (array[row, col]). """ col = math.floor((x - self.geot[0]) / self.geot[1]) row = math.floor((self.geot[3] - y) / abs(self.geot[5])) address = np.array([row, col]) return address
[docs] def getCoordinatesOfCellAddress(self, row, col): """ Calculate the coordinate pair at the center of a cell address based on the input DEM. UTM projections suggested, will not work with degree units. :param row: Row index of raster. :param col: Column index of raster. :return: Numpy array with x and y coordinates (array[x, y]). """ x = self.geot[0] + (col * self.geot[1]) + (0.5 * self.geot[1]) y = self.geot[3] + (row * self.geot[5]) + (0.5 * self.geot[5]) coords = np.array([x, y]) return coords
[docs] def getStreamCellAddresses(self): """ List addresses of cells on the stream network. :return: Numpy array (2, n) with stream cell addresses (array[[row, col],[row, col],...]). """ fac = self.facDS.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() streamcells = np.swapaxes(np.where(fac > 0), 0, 1) return streamcells
[docs] def moveDamsToFAC(self): """ Set locations of generated dams to the nearest cell on the rasterized stream network. Only one dam can be present on each network cell. :return: None """ streamcells = self.getStreamCellAddresses() nDams = self.outLyr.GetFeatureCount() i=0 while i < nDams: #print str(i) + " of " + str(nDams) damFt = self.outLyr.GetFeature(i) damPt = damFt.GetGeometryRef() damAddress = self.getCellAddressOfPoint(damPt.GetX(), damPt.GetY()) dist = np.sum((streamcells - damAddress)**2, axis = 1) #distance from stream cells to dam point #Maybe put in a check so if distance is too far it deletes the dam index = np.where(dist == min(dist)) #index of closest stream cell damAddress = streamcells[index[0][0]] #change cell address of dam to closest stream cell streamcells = np.delete(streamcells, index, axis = 0) #delete stream cell so each dam is located in a different cell self.idOut[damAddress[0]][damAddress[1]] = float(i*1.0) damCoords = self.getCoordinatesOfCellAddress(damAddress[0], damAddress[1]) ptwkt = "POINT(%f %f)" % (damCoords[0], damCoords[1]) damPt = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(ptwkt) damFt.SetGeometryDirectly(damPt) self.outLyr.SetFeature(damFt) i += 1
[docs] def setDamFieldValues(self, feat, damType): """ Set attribute for dam type. :param feat: OGR Feature of dam. :param damType: String describing dam type ('primary' or 'secondary'). :return: Updated OGR Feature of dam. """ feat.SetField("damType", damType) return feat
[docs] def setDamHeights(self, feat, low, mid, high): """ Set dam heights to be modeled for a dam. :param feat: OGR Feature of dam. :param low: Lower interval of dam height. :param mid: Median dam height. :param high: Upper interval of dam height. :return: Updated OGR Feature of dam. """ feat.SetField("ht_lo", low) feat.SetField("ht_mid", mid) feat.SetField("ht_hi", high) feat.SetField("ht_lo_mod", low) feat.SetField("ht_mid_mod", mid) feat.SetField("ht_hi_mod", high) #feat.SetField("ht_max", max) return feat
[docs] def generateDamLocationsFromBRAT(self): """ Generate dam locations on rasterized stream network. :return: None """ self.setVariables() self.createFields() self.sortByCapacity() self.calculateDamsPerReach() self.createDams() self.moveDamsToFAC()
[docs] def writeDamLocationRaster(self): """ Write dam locations to raster. :return: None """ ds = self.driverTiff.Create(self.outDir + "/damID.tif", xsize=self.demDS.RasterXSize, ysize=self.demDS.RasterYSize, bands=1, eType=gdal.GDT_Float32) ds.SetGeoTransform(self.geot) ds.SetProjection(self.prj) ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(self.idOut) ds.GetRasterBand(1).FlushCache() ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(-9999.0) ds = None
[docs] def run(self): """ Generate dam locations from BRAT and output as shapefile and raster. :return: None """ self.generateDamLocationsFromBRAT() self.writeDamLocationRaster()
[docs] def close(self): """ Close all OGR and GDAL layers and datasets. :return: None """ self.bratDS = None self.bratLyr = None self.demDS = None self.facDS = None self.outDS = None self.outLyr = None del self.dem del self.fac del self.idOut del self.capRank
[docs]class BDSWEA:
[docs] def __init__(self, dem, fdir, fac, id, outDir, modPoints): """ Initialization of the Beaver Dam Surface Water Estimation Algorithm class. :param dem: Path of DEM for area of interest. :param fdir: Path to flow direction raster, should be concurrent with DEM. :param fac: Path to binary raster representing the stream network with a value of 1 (generally a thresholded flow accumulation). :param id: Path to raster of pond ID, calculated with BDLoG class. :param outDir: Path where output files will be generated. :param modPoints: Path to shapefile of modeled dam locations from BDLoG. """ self.outDir = outDir if not os.path.isdir(self.outDir): os.makedirs(self.outDir) self.setConstants() self.setVars(dem, fdir, fac, id, modPoints) self.createOutputArrays() # self.origrecursion = sys.getrecursionlimit() # if self.origrecursion < 1500: # sys.setrecursionlimit(1500)
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close()
[docs] def setConstants(self): """ Set constant variables. :return: None """ self.FLOW_DIR_ESRI = np.array([32, 64, 128, 16, 0, 1, 8, 4, 2]) self.FLOW_DIR_TAUDEM = np.array([4, 3, 2, 5, 0, 1, 6, 7, 8]) self.ROW_OFFSET = np.array([-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) self.COL_OFFSET = np.array([-1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1]) self.MAX_POND_AREA = 100000 #in square meters self.MAX_HEIGHT = 5.0 #in meters
[docs] def setVars(self, dem, fdir, fac, id, shp): """ Set class variables. :param dem: Path to DEM. :param fdir: Path to flow direction raster. :param fac: Path to binary raster representing the stream network with a value of 1 (generally a thresholded flow accumulation). :param id: Path to dam ID raster. :param shp: Path to shapefile of dam locations. :return: None """ self.count = 0 self.demDS = gdal.Open(dem) self.dem = self.demDS.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() self.fdirDS = gdal.Open(fdir) self.fdir = self.fdirDS.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() self.facDS = gdal.Open(fac) self.fac = self.facDS.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() self.idDS = gdal.Open(id) = self.idDS.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() self.pointDS = ogr.Open(shp, 1) self.points = self.pointDS.GetLayer() self.nPoints = self.points.GetFeatureCount() self.geot = self.demDS.GetGeoTransform() self.prj = self.demDS.GetProjection() self.MAX_COUNT = math.ceil(self.MAX_POND_AREA / abs(self.geot[1] * self.geot[5]) / 1) self.driverTiff = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") max = np.max(self.fdir) if max > 8: self.FLOW_DIR = self.FLOW_DIR_ESRI else: self.FLOW_DIR = self.FLOW_DIR_TAUDEM
[docs] def createOutputArrays(self): """ Create arrays which will be written to rasters. :return: None """ self.idOut = np.copy( self.htOut = np.empty(shape=[self.dem.shape[0], self.dem.shape[1]]) self.htOut.fill(-9999.0) self.depLo = np.empty(shape=[self.dem.shape[0], self.dem.shape[1]]) self.depLo.fill(-9999.0) self.depMid = np.empty(shape=[self.dem.shape[0], self.dem.shape[1]]) self.depMid.fill(-9999.0) self.depHi = np.empty(shape=[self.dem.shape[0], self.dem.shape[1]]) self.depHi.fill(-9999.0)
[docs] def getDamId(self): """ :return: Numpy array of original dam ID raster. """ return
[docs] def getDEM(self): """ :return: Numpy array of DEM. """ return self.dem
[docs] def getFlowDirection(self): """ :return: Numpy array of flow direction raster. """ return self.fdir
[docs] def getHeightAbove(self): """ :return: Numpy array of the height of cells above a beaver dam. """ return self.htOut
[docs] def getPondID(self): """ :return: Numpy array of the dam ID associated with each beaver pond. """ return self.idOut
[docs] def drainsToMe(self, index, fdir): """ Determine if a neighboring cell drains to a target cell. :param index: Location of flow direction value in array. :param fdir: Flow direction value. :return: True if cell drains to center of 3x3, False if it does not """ if index == 4: return False elif index == 0 and fdir == self.FLOW_DIR[8]: return True elif index == 1 and fdir == self.FLOW_DIR[7]: return True elif index == 2 and fdir == self.FLOW_DIR[6]: return True elif index == 3 and fdir == self.FLOW_DIR[5]: return True elif index == 5 and fdir == self.FLOW_DIR[3]: return True elif index == 6 and fdir == self.FLOW_DIR[2]: return True elif index == 7 and fdir == self.FLOW_DIR[1]: return True elif index == 8 and fdir == self.FLOW_DIR[0]: return True else: return False
[docs] def backwardHAND(self, startX, startY, startE, pondID): """ Recursively identify all cells draining to a dam location and the height of each cell above the dam. :param startX: Column of dam location. :param startY: Row of dam location. :param startE: DEM elevation at dam location. :param pondID: ID number of dam. :return: None """ if startX > 0 and startY > 0 and startX < self.demDS.RasterXSize-1 and startY < self.demDS.RasterYSize-1: demWin = self.dem[startY - 1:startY + 2, startX - 1:startX + 2].reshape(1, 9) fdirWin = self.fdir[startY - 1:startY + 2, startX - 1:startX + 2].reshape(1, 9) for i in range(0,9): newX = startX newY = startY htAbove = demWin[0, i] - startE if (self.drainsToMe(i, fdirWin[0,i]) and htAbove < self.MAX_HEIGHT and htAbove > -10.0) and self.count < self.MAX_COUNT: newX += self.COL_OFFSET[i] newY += self.ROW_OFFSET[i] htOld = self.htOut[newY, newX] if (htOld >= htAbove or htOld == -9999.0): self.idOut[newY, newX] = pondID self.htOut[newY, newX] = htAbove self.count += 1 self.backwardHAND(newX, newY, startE, pondID)
[docs] def heightAboveDams(self): """ For each cell draining to a beaver dam, calculate the height of cell above the dam location. :return: None """ for i in range(1, self.fdir.shape[0]): for j in range(1, self.fdir.shape[1]): idVal =[i,j] if idVal >= 0: demVal = self.dem[i,j] self.count = 0 self.backwardHAND(j, i, demVal, idVal)
[docs] def calculateWaterDepth(self): """ Calculate the depth of each beaver pond cell for each modeled dam height. :return: None """ self.dem[self.dem == -9999.0] = np.nan self.htOut[self.htOut == -9999.0] = np.nan for i in range(0, self.points.GetFeatureCount()): feature = self.points.GetFeature(i) self.depLo[self.idOut == i] = feature.GetFieldAsDouble("ht_lo_mod") - self.htOut[self.idOut == i] self.depMid[self.idOut == i] = feature.GetFieldAsDouble("ht_mid_mod") - self.htOut[self.idOut == i] self.depHi[self.idOut == i] = feature.GetFieldAsDouble("ht_hi_mod") - self.htOut[self.idOut == i] self.dem[self.dem == np.nan] = -9999.0 self.htOut[self.htOut == np.nan] = -9999.0 self.depLo[self.depLo == np.nan] = -9999.0 self.depMid[self.depLo == np.nan] = -9999.0 self.depHi[self.depLo == np.nan] = -9999.0
[docs] def writeArrayToRaster(self, file, array, lowernd, uppernd): """ Save numpy array as a GeoTiff raster concurrent with the input DEM. :param file: Path to save file. :param array: Numpy array of data. :param lowernd: Lowest data value. :param uppernd: Highest data value. :return: None """ if array.shape == self.dem.shape: ds = self.driverTiff.Create(file, xsize=self.demDS.RasterXSize, ysize=self.demDS.RasterYSize, bands=1, eType=gdal.GDT_Float32) ds.SetGeoTransform(self.geot) ds.SetProjection(self.prj) array[np.isnan(array)] = -9999.0 array[array < lowernd] = -9999.0 array[array > uppernd] = -9999.0 ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(array) ds.GetRasterBand(1).FlushCache() ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(-9999.0) ds = None else: print "output shape different from input DEM"
[docs] def saveOutputs(self): """ Save BDSWEA results to rasters. :return: None """ self.writeArrayToRaster(self.outDir + "/pondID.tif", self.idOut, 0.0, 50000.0) self.writeArrayToRaster(self.outDir + "/htAbove.tif", self.htOut, -500.0, 5000.0) self.writeArrayToRaster(self.outDir + "/depLo.tif", self.depLo, 0.0000001, 20.0) self.writeArrayToRaster(self.outDir + "/depMid.tif", self.depMid, 0.0000001, 20.0) self.writeArrayToRaster(self.outDir + "/depHi.tif", self.depHi, 0.0000001, 20.0)
[docs] def run(self): """ Run BDSWEA and save outputs. :return: None """ print "running BDSWEA" self.heightAboveDams() self.calculateWaterDepth() self.saveOutputs() print "calculating pond statistics" self.summarizePondStatistics()
[docs] def summarizePondStatistics(self): """ Caclulate area and volume of each pond for each dam height scenario and write results to the input shapefile. :return: None """ for i in range(0, self.nPoints): feature = self.points.GetFeature(i) fid = feature.GetFID() lo = np.where(self.idOut == fid, self.depLo, 0.0) #identify cells inundated by dam of FID and get pond depth lo[lo == -9999.0] = 0.0 lo[lo < 0.0] = 0.0 #any pond depths less than 0 get changed to 0.0 mid = np.where(self.idOut == fid, self.depMid, 0.0) mid[mid == -9999.0] = 0.0 mid[mid < 0.0] = 0.0 hi = np.where(self.idOut == fid, self.depHi, 0.0) hi[hi == -9999.0] = 0.0 hi[hi <=0.0] = 0.0 feature.SetField("vol_lo", math.fabs(np.nansum(lo)*self.geot[1]*self.geot[5])) #volume of pond is sum of depths multiplied by cell width and cell height feature.SetField("vol_mid", math.fabs(np.nansum(mid) * self.geot[1] * self.geot[5])) feature.SetField("vol_hi", math.fabs(np.nansum(hi) * self.geot[1] * self.geot[5])) feature.SetField("area_lo", math.fabs(len(np.where(lo != 0.0)[0]) * self.geot[1] * self.geot[5])) feature.SetField("area_mid", math.fabs(len(np.where(mid != 0.0)[0]) * self.geot[1] * self.geot[5])) feature.SetField("area_hi", math.fabs(len(np.where(hi != 0.0)[0]) * self.geot[1] * self.geot[5])) self.points.SetFeature(feature) self.points.SyncToDisk()
[docs] def writeSurfaceWSE(self): """ Update DEM to reflect water surface elevation of modeled beaver ponds and save as GeoTiff. :return: None """ self.depLo[self.depLo < 0.0] = 0.0 self.depMid[self.depMid < 0.0] = 0.0 self.depHi[self.depHi < 0.0] = 0.0 self.wseLo = self.depLo + self.dem self.wseMid = self.depMid + self.dem self.wseHi = self.depHi + self.dem self.writeArrayToRaster(self.outDir + "/WSESurf_lo.tif", self.wseLo, 0.0, 5000.0) self.writeArrayToRaster(self.outDir + "/WSESurf_mid.tif", self.wseMid, 0.0, 5000.0) self.writeArrayToRaster(self.outDir + "/WSESurf_hi.tif", self.wseHi, 0.0, 5000.0)
[docs] def writeHead(self): """ Calculate water surface elevation of cells inundated by modeld beaver ponds or represented by the rasterized stream network and save as GeoTiff. :return: None """ stream = self.fac stream[stream < 1.0] = 0.0 stream[stream > 0.0] = 1.0 pondlo = self.depLo pondlo[pondlo > 0.0] = 1.0 pondlo[pondlo < 0.0] = 0.0 pondlo = pondlo + stream pondlo[pondlo > 0.0] = 1.0 pondmid = self.depMid pondmid[pondmid > 0.0] = 1.0 pondmid[pondmid < 0.0] = 0.0 pondmid = pondmid +stream pondmid[pondmid > 0.0] = 1.0 pondhi = self.depHi pondhi[pondhi > 0.0] = 1.0 pondhi[pondhi < 0.0] = 0.0 pondhi = pondhi + stream pondhi[pondhi > 0.0] = 1.0 self.writeArrayToRaster(self.outDir + "/head_start.tif", self.dem*stream, 1.0, 5000.0) self.writeArrayToRaster(self.outDir + "/head_lo.tif", self.wseLo*pondlo, 1.0, 5000.0) self.writeArrayToRaster(self.outDir + "/head_mid.tif", self.wseMid*pondmid, 1.0, 5000.0) self.writeArrayToRaster(self.outDir + "/head_hi.tif", self.wseHi*pondhi, 1.0, 5000.0)
[docs] def writeModflowFiles(self): """ Save files to be used with BDflopy for MODFLOW parameterization. :return: None """ self.writeSurfaceWSE() self.writeHead() del self.wseLo del self.wseMid del self.wseHi
[docs] def close(self): """ Close all GDAL and OGR datasets. :return: None """ # sys.setrecursionlimit(self.origrecursion) self.demDS = None self.fdirDS = None self.idDS = None self.pointDS = None self.points = None del self.dem del self.fdir del self.fac del self.depLo del self.depMid del self.depHi del self.htOut del self.idOut